After a long break I‘m back again. This time from Italy. As the way to a location is usually not very interesting, I’ll skip that part of our trip. I will only say so much. Having a tablet in the car while traveling with kids makes your life so much easier.
So cutting a long trip short we finally arrived after 12 hours of driving an a short stay in Basel in “Capannori” which is close to Lucca in Tuscany.
We knew it would get hot down there and you will probably get annoyed by the sentence “it was unbearably hot” if you further read though the next couple of blog entries, but that is the way it is. It was hot! During the days here it was up to 36°C (96°F) and you can only bare this with a swimming pool which we fortunately had on the grounds.

To get to the house you needed to drive up the hill on a rather bumpy path and the first few days I was a bit worried, that our car could get damaged if we drove there too often. But now I’m trained so well, that I manage quite well to dive on that path.